Friday, October 19, 2007

Two in one night

Well, all my adoring fans, after such a long absence I return with two posts in one night. Mostly out of an unplaced boredom. Is Benjamin right that the greatest things are borne out of boredom? Is boredom necessary for genius? In that case, i should do my best work around 2 in the morning.

I think a lot about patterns, metaphors, stories lately. And words. always words. Right now I think about falling, as is evident from my last post. Maybe it's just the season?

Hmm...I thought I had more to say, but apparently I was deceived. Possibly the stupor of sleep overtakes my brain, drowsing out thoughts of coherency, leaving only rough outlines, comprised of vague ideas and unformed images. No flash, no punctum here. If the moment of awakening is so crucial and special, what about the moment of almost sleeping, of drifting between awake and sleep, but moving toward the sleep state? Why can I not think of a word for this state of almost-asleep? Is there a word? I do not linger there long when in bed. I revel in the half-consciousness between sleep and awake but not awakening other times. Sitting at a desk (sometimes), reading (often), writing (sometimes), listening (sometimes), walking (once), standing, (rarely). I love drifting when reading, as my mind recreates the text in a half-nonsense form that sometimes makes more sense that the words on the page. New ideas surface, an unexpected visitor appears, only to disappoint me upon wakening with their elusiveness. I am not drifting now, but I feel I haze overtaking my face. Remove your encumbrances and sleep. Drift away.

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